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legal channels中文是什么意思

用"legal channels"造句"legal channels"怎么读"legal channels" in a sentence


  • 合法途径


  • This market created a proper and legal channel for small - and - medium sized businesses to involve in trading of unlisted stocks
    Q2 .申请为兴柜股票的发行公司须符合哪些条件
  • Their behavior should deserve severe punishment beyond a shadow of doubt . anyone who caught them in red should turn to official legal channel in order to curb such kind of unhealthy practice
  • The highly unusual lawsuit underscores moves by hepatitis b carriers to use legal channels to challenge what they say is endemic discrimination against the estimated 120m chinese infected by the virus
    这起极不寻常的诉讼突显出,乙肝病毒携带者开始通过法律渠道,挑战被他们称之为对中国约1 . 2亿乙肝病毒携带者的地方病歧视。
  • The absence of protection ways through legal channels has led to inefficient protection of environmental public interest , simultaneously preventing citizens from extensively monitoring china ’ s environmental administration
  • A number of legal service organizations concerning intellectual property should be set up to assist interested parties in the investigation of infringing acts and the gathering of evidence so that the relevant disputes may be resolved through legal channels
  • The advantage of this new system is that while it provides the public with a more convenient way to buy , and travel agents with a legal channel to sell travel insurance subject to proper regulation , it will also ensure that travel agents stick to their core business , by banning them from becoming full - time insurance agents and involvement in other forms of insurance
  • Q we have found products with original companys label in the black market ; however , these are not made by original brand company , nor do they go through the legal channel to be in the market . if we let fortune group recycle our industry waste , how does fortune group prevent similar things happened , to protect our intellectual property and related information from being stolen by the third party
    Q :我们在黑色交易市场上发现过标有原厂家品牌的产品,但是这些都不是原品牌持有厂家生产出来并通过正当渠道进行销售的,如果我们把工业废料交给富勤处理,富勤如何防止此类事情发生,保障我们产品中所包含的知识产权等相关信息,不会被第三方获取?
  • The advantage of this new system is that while it provides the public with a more convenient way to buy , and travel agents with a legal channel to sell travel insurance subject to proper regulation , it will also ensure that travel agents stick to their core business , by banning them from becoming full - time insurance agents and involvement in other forms of insurance
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